svētdiena, 2014. gada 31. augusts

Green slimming coffee- Who Said Taking it can Help To Lose Weight

Carrying about loose weight is a bit like carrying around a lot of loose change. It is more of a nuisance than it is worth takes up a lot of space and can make some pretty annoying noises.

Nobody needs all that excess baggage and if it has not got too far out of hand it shouldn't be too long before you can say goodbye to it. All that is needed is a proper diet plan, some healthy exercise all backed up by enough green coffee to burn off these excess carbohydrates that can build up in our bodies just like loose change builds up in our pockets.

Green coffee has been with us for hundreds of years, but very few people ever got a chance to learn too much about it and especially its health giving abilities. The coffee plant, which is grown commercially in parts of South America as well as in Africa, provides an ample crop of green beans. These beans are transported to a processing plant, and are then roasted till they turn a rich deep brown colour. But not all of them.

Since these green beans, or berries as they are sometimes known, have been grown, they have been used by local populations to make strong, green and tasty coffee. In fact in some African countries, green coffee is often served to distinguished guests as a mark of respect. The reason why is that drinking green coffee has many health giving qualities.

Gradually the news spread across the World and drinking green coffee has grown in popularity, especially for those among us who carry around too much excess weight. Green coffee unlike the toasted version contains a component Chlorogenic Acid will has been shown to reduce the absorption of carbohydrates in the blood stream. For people who eat less well than they should or do not take part in any form of physical exercise, these carbohydrates will rapidly turn into fat.

Losing that excess weight can be a struggle if the problem is not approached seriously. There are no short cuts to losing weight and keeping it off. What is required is a balanced diet, a manageable exercise plan, and the very simple procedure of changing you staple hot drink so that is green and tastes of coffee, the change will only do you good.

sestdiena, 2014. gada 30. augusts

Rapid Weight Loss - Green Coffee Can Do It For You

Anyone who has ever embarked on a successful diet program and succeeded will tell you that the most difficult stage is actually making the decision to " go for it" They have made a decision that will mean a period of relative depravation from the foods that they have grown to love, but may have been ruining their health, as well as a sedentary life style that they have gotten too well used to.

Ask the same people and they will tell you that there is no real short cut to weight loss that stays off, and anyone who tells you different is doing you a disservice. Diet plans need to be measure in months and not weeks and days. Any weight lost too quickly will in most cases return with interest.

That's when a successful dieter talks about rapid weight loss they are talking long term. Those people who have discovered the power of drinking green coffee as a part of diet and exercise program will only enthuse about the vital back up that this totally natural slimming aid has brought them in their struggle to get their weight and with it their health back on the right lines.

Where drinking green coffee comes into its own as dietary aid of the highest order is that the untoasted version has been left with its Chlorogenic Acid intact will dramatically reduce the absorption of carbohydrates, which in overweight and unhealthy people will automatically be stored as fat.

In addition clinical trials suggest that chlorogenic acid and the leptin hormone that it contains will work to maintain blood sugar levels at a normal healthy level.

These days coffee is mostly drunk toasted. Toasted coffee had all of its Chlorogenic Acid zapped from it, and while just as tasty as green coffee, has practically none of its health giving attributes,
More and more healthy and fit people are switching their staple hot drink from toasted coffee or tea to green coffee. 

They have recognized the benefits of a healthy life style, a balanced diet and regular exercise.
For those of you who want get there, recognizing that through drinking green coffee, realistic and rapid weight loss can be achieved and maintained.

ceturtdiena, 2014. gada 28. augusts

Slimming coffee - what's the story behind it?

The truth is that coffee as we know it has a bit of a bad reputation. People who drink a lot of coffee are said to be addicted to caffeine and as well as few other negative side effects. Yet there is a good coffee and it is green. The significance of the colour is that green coffee describes the beans in their original format before they toasted and turn the familiar dark brown shade that is most familiar.

And if there are negative sides to brown coffee they are more than outweighed by green coffee of slimming coffee as it is better than known.

Excessive coffee intake, green or brown, is not recommended and when the slimming qualities of green coffee first came to light a few years ago, there were a lot of people who ignored the instructions printed on the packet as well as their own common sense, and began to drink as much green coffee as their system allowed them to. 

The outcome that many slimmers not only failed to achieve the " get slim quick " results that they craved, but caused themselves a load of gastric problems instead, including either extreme constipation, gas, stomach cramps and/or acute diarrhea.

Those more disciplined dieters who took the time to study what drinking green coffee meant as well as the story behind it, discovered that drinking green coffee at the rate of three to four cups a day instead of (and not as well as) toasted coffee of tea will work as an excellent dietary aide as part of a long term diet and exercise program.

The reason is that untoasted green coffee still contains a vital ingredient called Chlorogenic Acid which is removed as the coffee is toasted. .

The presence of Chlorogenic Acid in green coffee will reduce the absorption of carbohydrates into the blood stream, meaning that a person with a regular intake of Chlorogenic Acid and the Leptin hormone it contains will have a very good chance of seeing these excess pounds burn off, but not overnight.

The effects of adding green coffee to a diet plan will be felt within a week or two and will continue to be felt as long as the diet plan continues.

The story behind slimming coffee is as simple as it can possibly be. No one claims that drinking green coffee is a "miracle diet plan." Instead it will bring those who drink it a slimmer and healthier life.

otrdiena, 2014. gada 26. augusts

Seven reasons why coffee is good for your health

As the saying goes everything is good for you as long as it is in moderation, and drinking coffee also falls into that category. Drinking coffee, be it the natural green pre-toasted variety or the dark brown toasted and blended type will do you more good than harm, as long as the daily intake is restricted to three to four cups a day.

There are many reasons why drinking coffee in any form is good for your health, bearing that the un-tampered with natural green coffee is an awful lot better than the toasted version which has had many of the most powerful elements zapped from it before it reaches you.

Here are the seven most important reasons why you should drink four cups of green coffee every day.

One :) Not everyone eats as many fresh fruits and vegetables as they used to, while they still drink coffee. That means that coffee, green, toasted, caffeinated or de-caffeinated will provide sufficient quantities of vital anti-oxidants.

Two:) This may not cause too much of a surprise, but drinking coffee in reasonable quantities will help to burn off some of these extra pounds as each cup will speed up an average person's metabolism. It's always better that the coffee intake is of the green variety and as part of a regular, long term diet and exercise plan.

Three:) According to a series of studies, drinking a few cups of coffee every day will act as a stimulant that will increase brain functionality and increase short term memory.

Four:) Drinking green coffee on a regular controlled basis is known to reduce beta amyloidal levels in the blood stream. Beta amyloidal is a protein in the brain thought to be responsible for the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

Five:) According to research at a very high level, it is regarded possible that drinking coffee can lower the percentage risk of contracting certain forms of cancer by almost half. 

Six:) Drinking green coffee will considerably restrict the possibility of Type 2 diabetesResearch has shown that coffee, especially in its green natural form, will lower levels of sugar in the blood.

Seven:) Drinking too much toasted coffee certainly darkens your teeth, but drinking just enough green coffee will strengthen teeth and significantly reduce the risk of cavities.

These are just a few of the reasons why drinking coffee has its health benefits. There are many more far outweighing any negative effects that drinking a few cups of green coffee will bring.