otrdiena, 2014. gada 26. augusts

Seven reasons why coffee is good for your health

As the saying goes everything is good for you as long as it is in moderation, and drinking coffee also falls into that category. Drinking coffee, be it the natural green pre-toasted variety or the dark brown toasted and blended type will do you more good than harm, as long as the daily intake is restricted to three to four cups a day.

There are many reasons why drinking coffee in any form is good for your health, bearing that the un-tampered with natural green coffee is an awful lot better than the toasted version which has had many of the most powerful elements zapped from it before it reaches you.

Here are the seven most important reasons why you should drink four cups of green coffee every day.

One :) Not everyone eats as many fresh fruits and vegetables as they used to, while they still drink coffee. That means that coffee, green, toasted, caffeinated or de-caffeinated will provide sufficient quantities of vital anti-oxidants.

Two:) This may not cause too much of a surprise, but drinking coffee in reasonable quantities will help to burn off some of these extra pounds as each cup will speed up an average person's metabolism. It's always better that the coffee intake is of the green variety and as part of a regular, long term diet and exercise plan.

Three:) According to a series of studies, drinking a few cups of coffee every day will act as a stimulant that will increase brain functionality and increase short term memory.

Four:) Drinking green coffee on a regular controlled basis is known to reduce beta amyloidal levels in the blood stream. Beta amyloidal is a protein in the brain thought to be responsible for the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

Five:) According to research at a very high level, it is regarded possible that drinking coffee can lower the percentage risk of contracting certain forms of cancer by almost half. 

Six:) Drinking green coffee will considerably restrict the possibility of Type 2 diabetesResearch has shown that coffee, especially in its green natural form, will lower levels of sugar in the blood.

Seven:) Drinking too much toasted coffee certainly darkens your teeth, but drinking just enough green coffee will strengthen teeth and significantly reduce the risk of cavities.

These are just a few of the reasons why drinking coffee has its health benefits. There are many more far outweighing any negative effects that drinking a few cups of green coffee will bring.

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