Most people, who have any kind of health problem and especially a weight problem, wish they could just take a few pills and the problem will go away.
For people who have a weight problem, with all that it stands for, there are pills on the market which claim to be effective. And it's difficult to state that they don't do any good, and impossible to say that they will do serious harm to the person who takes them.
However experience shows that in the long term diet pills are largely ineffective. Originally diet pills were derived from the amphetamine rug which did prove to have some side effects, and were withdrawn from circulation to be gradually replaced by another diet pill which had no recognizable side effects.
Most of these drugs contained an ingredient called phentermine, sometimes combined with dexfenfluramine.
What these drugs actually do is to trick the person who needs to lose some weight into believing that they have a full stomach, and do so by increasing the serotonin levels in the brain. As a side effect, increased serotonin levels in the brain will help to improve a person's general demeanor and they are liable to become more outgoing than normal.
Doctors will only prescribe these drugs to a person who is very obese and never on a long term basis. Taken long term they have been proven to cause some fairly unpleasant side effects, among them increased blood pressure, attacks of nausea and interrupted sleep patterns.
Non prescription weight loss tablets thankfully are a lot likely to cause any of these side effects, simply because they are a lot less powerful. That means that the lack of appetite will be a lot less pronounced and will only be effective as part of an overall weight loss program.
In recent years with an increased recognition of the health giving benefits of natural products, one of the most popular and effective alternatives to slimming tablets is green coffee.
For those of you who haven't yet discovered the wonders of green coffee, it is the untested version of the familiar brown toasted coffee that we drink every day. The significant difference between the two types of coffee is that when the green coffee beans are toasted to brown the chlorogenic acid contained within largely dissipates.
Researchers discovered that by drinking green coffee in reasonable quantities, the chlorogenic acid will dramatically reduce
Carbohydrate intake, which turns to fat, and not by tricking the brain as weight loss pills have been shown to do.
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