ceturtdiena, 2014. gada 6. novembris

Learn More About The Optimus Green Coffee Bean Extract Ingredients

Before getting into any reviews of a product, you MUST pay close attention to its ingredients.
After all, those are what you will consume. This will prevent you from using unknown and misleading product. How about Optimus ingredients?
When looking at the Optimus green coffee bean extract ingredients, you will notice that it is a relatively straightforward product. There are no fillers, no ‘waste products’ included to make the label seem more interesting. Instead, it contains 800 mg of pure green coffee extract. The promise is also that at least 50 percent of the pure green coffee extract is comprised of chlorogenic acid.

More about green coffee extract (GCA)

One of the most frustrating things for us was to go online and research GCA. Because it is perhaps the most important of the Optimus green coffee bean extract ingredients, it was frustrating for us to see so many promotional pages that all tout the benefit of GCA. Many of the pages did not even realize that GCA stood for green coffee extract. It was simply people parroting after one another, repeating certain facts without understanding them. We wanted to get to the bottom of GCA.
It is a food product/supplement derived from green coffee beans. Even though the chemical composition of green coffee beans is very much similar to the traditional coffee bean, the chlorogenic acid content is far higher in green coffee beans. You can read more about the importance of chlorogenic acid in the next paragraph.
We have proof that the chlorogenic acid found in GCA can easily be absorbed into the body. This means that unlike many of the other weight loss products on the market, we actually use most of what we ingest. Despite the fact that we are unsure of the exact mechanics, we do know that GCA is able to reduce bodyweight in people who are considered obese or overweight.

How about chlorogenic acid?

It is obvious that chlorogenic acid is one of the most important Optimus green coffee bean extract ingredients. However, chances are that you have no idea what chlorogenic acid really is. It is a phytochemical that we can find in coffee beans and coffee itself. It is promoted as a great way to reduce blood sugar level and has an anti-diabetic effect.
People who struggle with excess weight know that there are oftentimes additional health problems associated with being overweight. Aside from helping people lose the weight, there have been several studies that suggest that it can reduce blood pressure. This is because chlorogenic acid can improve vasoreactivity, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure.

Optimus Green Coffee Bean Extract Ingredients: Quality and quantity are both very important

It is also important to remember that when we are talking about supplements to aid in weight loss, the quality and quantity of Optimus green coffee bean extract ingredients matter too. If the manufacturer uses an inferior quality ingredient, you are not going to see the same beneficial results. Alternatively, you can use the best ingredients on the market, but if a product does not contain enough to make a difference, chances are that nothing will happen either.
Fortunately, when it comes to the Optimus green coffee bean extract, they are both the right quality and the right quantity. This is one of the most important reasons why people are responding so well. With completely safe Optimus green coffee bean extract ingredients and a chance to lose stubborn fat, it is highly recommended that you try Optimus green coffee bean extract for yourself.

svētdiena, 2014. gada 21. septembris

Difference Between Green Coffee and Roasted Coffee Effects

The principal differences between green coffee and the dark brown colored toasted lies in the presence of the very important supplement known as is green coffee extract.

Green coffee extract can be found in green or raw coffee as it sometimes known. While also present in roasted coffee, but in much lower concentrations, rendering the positive effects of the green coffee extract or Chlorogenic Acid with its indigent hormone known as Leptin to be almost non-existent.

A daily intake of Chlorogenic Acid ranging from no less than half of a gram to more than one gram has been found to significantly reduce levels of carbohydrates in the blood stream. Excesses of carbohydrates in the bloodstream, especially in a person who neither follows a regular diet plan or exercise properly will rapidly turn to excess fat, with all of the negative health effects that it can cause.

What is important to remember for those people who follow the green coffee route to losing weight is to be very careful not to exceed their daily dosage of green coffee. An average of three medium sized cups should be just right. Theoretically while green coffee can be taken with milk, in practice most people prefer to drink it naturally without any additives. It will taste different from brown coffee, especially a blend that has been decaffeinated.

To many people green coffee might taste slightly bitter, and for that reason sugar or even saccharin can be added. For the more exotically minded, a spice known as cardamom can be added, as it has its own distinctive flavor. Cardamom flavored coffee has been consumed in Turkey for centuries, where the practice of boiling the coffee grounds slowly was a common brewing technique.

Green coffee will have the same caffeine content as most of the toasted blends. The caffeine drug found in coffee has many positive effects, including increasing concentration and stamina levels. However once again it is recommended to be sparing in the amount of coffee drunk over a twenty four period.

While there are little facts around to prove otherwise, generally speaking drinking a reasonable amount of any variety of coffee will help a person to lose weight. It is a certain fact that green coffee will be almost four times more efficient than a toasted coffee in helping a person to reduce weight while providing a long list of positive nutrients that will add to a person's general good health.

ceturtdiena, 2014. gada 18. septembris

Slimming Green Coffee – Believe The Myths

The internet has probably been the most important in development in technology since World War Two. The ability to pass information around the World in just a few minutes has made such tremendous differences to people's lives – and mostly for the better.

Yet it is understandable that people have taken advantage of this instant information to spread stories and make false claims about one product or another, Sadly too many people find out only when they try something for themselves that it is not all that it claims to be and the myth that has been created round it is nothing more than a marketing ploy.

There are many such myths that have been used to market "miracle slimming cures" with the vast majority being grossly exaggerated. Slimming green coffee is one product is has never failed to meet the expectations of the weight watchers who have bought it online. Simply because green coffee is no simulated overnight miracle: it is a totally natural product that has been around for hundreds of years.

Anyone who has discovered the benefits of drinking green coffee will tell you that not only is it a very pleasant drink but will become a very important aide to a successful combined diet and exercise plan.
So what is the slimming secret of green coffee? It's really simple! Green coffee is made from coffee beans before they have been toasted and stewed, This process actually almost totally zaps out all the natural health- giving elements in the bean, which have been drunk and chewed in their natural green form for decades in the regions of the World where the beans are grown.

Pure green coffee consumption has been shown to reduce weight through the intake of Chlorogenic Acid, which contains elements of a hormone known as Leptin. Leptin, while perfectly harmless, will reduce the absorption of carbohydrates into the bloodstream. Excess carbohydrates rapidly become excess weight!
That’s why there should be no myths about the slimming effects of green coffee. Drinking green coffee will not rapid weight loss, like some of these plans among wanna-be dieters online.

Green coffee intake is for the long term dieter as part of a combined diet and exercise plan that will bring results. Dieters who are looking to take a short cut by drinking too many cups of green coffee will only succeed in bringing some unpleasant side effects upon themselves with stomach cramps and diarrhea attacks being the least of them. So when it comes down to believing myths, the one about drinking just enough green coffee and not too much is certainly one of them.

The internet has probably been the most important in development in technology since World War Two. The ability to pass information around the World in just a few minutes has made such tremendous differences to people's lives – and mostly for the better.

Yet it is understandable that people have taken advantage of this instant information to spread stories and make false claims about one product or another, Sadly too many people find out only when they try something for themselves that it is not all that it claims to be and the myth that has been created round it is nothing more than a marketing ploy.

There are many such myths that have been used to market "miracle slimming cures" with the vast majority being grossly exaggerated. Slimming green coffee is one product is has never failed to meet the expectations of the weight watchers who have bought it online. Simply because green coffee is no simulated overnight miracle: it is a totally natural product that has been around for hundreds of years.

Anyone who has discovered the benefits of drinking green coffee will tell you that not only is it a very pleasant drink but will become a very important aide to a successful combined diet and exercise plan.
So what is the slimming secret of green coffee? It's really simple! Green coffee is made from coffee beans before they have been toasted and stewed, This process actually almost totally zaps out all the natural health- giving elements in the bean, which have been drunk and chewed in their natural green form for decades in the regions of the World where the beans are grown.

Pure green coffee consumption has been shown to reduce weight through the intake of Chlorogenic Acid, which contains elements of a hormone known as Leptin. Leptin, while perfectly harmless, will reduce the absorption of carbohydrates into the bloodstream. Excess carbohydrates rapidly become excess weight!

That’s why there should be no myths about the slimming effects of green coffee. Drinking green coffee will not rapid weight loss, like some of these plans among wanna-be dieters online.

Green coffee intake is for the long term dieter as part of a combined diet and exercise plan that will bring results. Dieters who are looking to take a short cut by drinking too many cups of green coffee will only succeed in bringing some unpleasant side effects upon themselves with stomach cramps and diarrhea attacks being the least of them. So when it comes down to believing myths, the one about drinking just enough green coffee and not too much is certainly one of them.

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pirmdiena, 2014. gada 15. septembris

Weight Loss Tablets- The Green Coffee Alternative

Most people, who have any kind of health problem and especially a weight problem, wish they could just take a few pills and the problem will go away.

For people who have a weight problem, with all that it stands for, there are pills on the market which claim to be effective. And it's difficult to state that they don't do any good, and impossible to say that they will do serious harm to the person who takes them.

However experience shows that in the long term diet pills are largely ineffective. Originally diet pills were derived from the amphetamine rug which did prove to have some side effects, and were withdrawn from circulation to be gradually replaced by another diet pill which had no recognizable side effects.

Most of these drugs contained an ingredient called phentermine, sometimes combined with dexfenfluramine.
What these drugs actually do is to trick the person who needs to lose some weight into believing that they have a full stomach, and do so by increasing the serotonin levels in the brain. As a side effect, increased serotonin levels in the brain will help to improve a person's general demeanor and they are liable to become more outgoing than normal.

Doctors will only prescribe these drugs to a person who is very obese and never on a long term basis. Taken long term they have been proven to cause some fairly unpleasant side effects, among them increased blood pressure, attacks of nausea and interrupted sleep patterns.

Non prescription weight loss tablets thankfully are a lot likely to cause any of these side effects, simply because they are a lot less powerful. That means that the lack of appetite will be a lot less pronounced and will only be effective as part of an overall weight loss program.

In recent years with an increased recognition of the health giving benefits of natural products, one of the most popular and effective alternatives to slimming tablets is green coffee.

For those of you who haven't yet discovered the wonders of green coffee, it is the untested version of the familiar brown toasted coffee that we drink every day. The significant difference between the two types of coffee is that when the green coffee beans are toasted to brown the chlorogenic acid contained within largely dissipates.

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Researchers discovered that by drinking green coffee in reasonable quantities, the chlorogenic acid will dramatically reduce

Carbohydrate intake, which turns to fat, and not by tricking the brain as weight loss pills have been shown to do.

piektdiena, 2014. gada 12. septembris

Rapid Weight Loss- Green Coffee Can Do it For You.

Anyone who has ever embarked on a successful diet program and succeeded will tell you that the most difficult stage is actually making the decision to " go for it" They have made a decision that will mean a period of relative depravation from the foods that they have grown to love, but may have been ruining their health, as well as a sedentary life style that they have gotten too well used to.

Ask the same people and they will tell you that there is no real short cut to weight loss that stays off, and anyone who tells you different is doing you a disservice. Diet plans need to be measure in months and not weeks and days. Any weight lost too quickly will in most cases return with interest.

That's when a successful dieter talks about rapid weight loss they are talking long term. Those people who have discovered the power of drinking green coffee as a part of diet and exercise program will only enthuse about the vital back up that this totally natural slimming aid has brought them in their struggle to get their weight and with it their health back on the right lines.

Where drinking green coffee comes into its own as dietary aid of the highest order is that the untested version has been left with its Chlorogenic Acid intact will dramatically reduce the absorption of carbohydrates, which in overweight and unhealthy people will automatically be stored as fat.

In addition clinical trials suggest that chlorogenic acid and the lepton hormone that it contains will work to maintain blood sugar levels at a normal healthy level.

These days coffee is mostly drunk toasted. Toasted coffee had all of its Chlorogenic Acid zapped from it, and while just as tasty as green coffee, has practically none of its health giving attributes,
More and more healthy and fit people are switching their staple hot drink from toasted coffee or tea to green coffee. They have recognized the benefits of a healthy life style, a balanced diet and regular exercise.
For those of you who want get there, recognizing that through drinking green coffee, realistic and rapid weight loss can be achieved and maintained.

trešdiena, 2014. gada 10. septembris

Green Coffee Side Effects – Are There Any

It might be logical to expect that not something is too good to be true. After all when you read an advertisement or see a feature on the television that through drinking coffee you can lose weight, and not just any coffee but green coffee then it is understandable that people will start to fear that there is a catch. Either you need to drink thirty cups of this green coffee a day, or it is horrendously expensive or by drinking it we will be exposed to some terrible side effects that will make losing all the weight that we want totally not worth the discomfort.

Well the truth is that green coffee can be a tremendous aid in helping a person loses weight.

The truth is that drinking green coffee should be as part of a balanced diet and exercise program and if there are any negative side effects to drinking green coffee it is that drinking too much of it in too short a space of time is liable to cause a slimmer an upset stomach with cramps, possible constipation and/or diarrhea. And for those heroes among us who are prepared to suffer in order to lose weight, then the good or bad news is : that there is no need to. For the simple reason that green coffee is not a "hunger and burst" type of diet cure. It is most effective when taken long term as a substitute for toasted " brown" coffee or tea. It's as simple as that.

That aside, there are no other known negative side effects to drinking Green coffee while there are many positive ones.

The reason why is that the coffee bean in its natural green state contains an acid known as chlorogenic whose properties have been found to be very beneficial to the human body . For those among us who have been advised to reduce their weight burden green coffee will help them because it will gradually reduce the carbohydrate levels in our bloodstream that cause excess fat to build up.

In addition chlorogenic acid has been observed to be a major factor in reducing heart disease with more recent research also showing that it can help to curb the onset of Type 2 diabetes and possibly Alzheimer's disease.

In other words, drinking green coffee in moderate doses will not trigger any negative side effects, will act as a major aid to losing weight and encouraged good health. And not only that it tastes pretty good to.

svētdiena, 2014. gada 7. septembris

Green Coffee Side Effects.

All that is required is drink a few cups of green coffees as day, in place of tea or roasted coffee and the pounds will begin to drop off.

Because Leptin Green Coffee 800 is a natural plant with no added ingredients it will be very effective if used sparingly. It is not like one of these diet plans designed to curb a person's appetite or even worse to bloat their stomach unnaturally. These kinds of diets, while they can produce some reasonably spectacular short term results, can cause damage in the long term. After all a person has to eat and drink, and with green coffee alongside a healthy and natural diet they can enjoy their food while achieving long term weight loss that should stay off forever.

Exercise is also a very major factor in dieting and people who choose Leptin green coffee 800 as their staple drink will find themselves with loads of energy for these long walks that will help that excess weight burn off.
Although, Leptin Slimming Green Coffee is free from any negative side effects, the patients with existing health conditions should always be careful choosing anything new to consume on a regular basis. With the consideration of the above facts, you can be well aware of the several advantages offered by green coffee along with the care you should take before beginning to use it

One of the discoveries in coffee and health studies is the effect in the chemical make up of the dissolvement of Chlorogenic Acid, a property in the chemical make up of coffee. It has been found that Chlorogenic Acid is a strong antioxidant which helps in the reduction of oxidative tissue stress and some anti-inflammatory issues.Coffee and Health Studies have also found that coffee drinking can help prevent possible drug addictions and may act as an anti-depressant. An interesting issue is how consumption affects brain functions. It may coincide with anti-drug addiction properties.

It has chem-protective properties that can provide defense against Hepatitis C, Gallstones, Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinson's Disease.

Coffee and Health studies have also shown coffee consumption to halt the development of Type 2 Diabetes in the later years of adulthood with a modest amount of consumption on a daily basis. When a person is having an asthma attack and they do not have an inhaler available, the next best thing would be drinking a cup of coffee.

Many people have tendency to quickly expect the results by consuming lots of coffee but for a shorter duration of time. Their reasoning behind this behavior is that if they eat lot of high calorie food, they gain weight faster, and drinking Coffee should also follow the same pattern. In their view, lots of green coffee in a short duration should mean much quicker weight loss in a short duration. However, weight loss does not work in the same way as the weight gain. Coffee works by maintaining the vitality and by keeping the energy levels high. This reduces the fat by increasing metabolism at a constant rate.

The way it reflects in the weight loss is dependent on how consistently you consume Coffee for a longer duration.

known replacement of regular coffee but with much better slimming effects.

Many people have tendency to quickly expect the results by consuming lots of coffee but for a shorter duration of time. Their reasoning behind this behavior is that if they eat lot of high calorie food, they gain weight faster, and drinking Coffee should also follow the same pattern. In their view, lots of green coffee in a short duration should mean much quicker weight loss in a short duration. However, weight loss does not work in the same way as the weight gain. Coffee works by maintaining the vitality and by keeping the energy levels high. This reduces the fat by increasing metabolism at a constant rate.

The way it reflects in the weight loss is dependent on how consistently you consume Coffee for a longer duration. Studies have proved that people who consumed Coffee for quite long durations had much lower fat percentage in their body than those who had short durations of its heavier consumption
In coffee and health research of around 126,000 men and women, it was discovered that if people consumed more pure coffee it would reduce the chances of people developing Blood Sugar Disease compared to people who didn't consume any or don't drink but small amounts of this beverage.

In a coffee and health study of men and consumption, men who drank up to 5 cups a day lowered their chances contracting type 2 diabetes. The health benefits for women were somewhat less, but still beneficial.

Previous studies showed the average American coffee drinker drank about three cups a day. Research done by Harvard University combined all previous studies to come up with a new average, namely 1 to 2 cups a day.

Even though these coffee and health studies show that there is Even though these coffee and health studies show that there is a reduction in the risk of type 2 Diabetes with consumption, researcher's don't recommend increasing your consumption to try to decrease or prevent the chances of developing diabetes.
More recent research has shown that consumption leads to healthier blood sugar levels. A study of Swedish women showed that drinking at least 2 cups daily were less at risk for diabetes than women who drank none or less than 2 cups daily.

However, researchers have been unable to determine which chemical compound of the hundreds found in coffee actually helped to reduce the risk of diabetes. Consumption reduced the risk for diabetes despite other factors involved such as smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages and being involved in other unhealthy lifestyles.

piektdiena, 2014. gada 5. septembris

Different Types of Coffee Plantations

In these days of standardization in agriculture, it would be difficult for the casual observer to notice any difference between a coffee plantation in Brazil, Ethiopia or Vietnam among the predominant global centers where coffee beans are cultivated if not impossible.

A coffee tree in its natural untrained form is like a true evergreen. That means very strong vegative growth every year. If this growth is not contained the tree will yield very low quantities of fruit of a very poor quality. That means that a lot of the work on a coffee plantation involves pruning the trees, so that it won't reach heights that it will be difficult to work with. For example if not properly trained a coffee tree can grow as high as ten meters tall, where the grower prefers a maximum height of around two and a half meters, as well as the tree reaching a width and a depth of around two meters. 

That’s why if you visit a coffee plantations you will see rows and rows of trees planted around three meters apart , with a lane running down the middle about two meters wide so that tractors can pass through when picking season arrives.

When they are first planted, a coffee tree will be dormant for its first four or five seasons, and during that time the grower will be kept especially active in training the tree so that the vegative growth does not get out of hand entirely.

Coffee trees will not begin to produce coffee beans until after the first bloom, and after that will continue to produce annual yields for more than a hundred years, so that all the initial care and attention will produce long term results.

Apart from the specific climate and terrain conditions that can be a major factor in running a successful coffee plantations, labour costs are no less an important factor. Despite the advances in agricultural technology, the need for hand pruning and picking is still very prevalent in coffee plantations throughout the World, and countries where labour costs are high will find it difficult to compete, unless they specialize in cultivating the less specialist yet is the hardier Robusta variety of bean which can be harvested by machine stripping, where all of the coffee cherries are " stripped" from the tree in one swoop irrespective of whether they are fully ripe or not.

Some plantations in countries where the temperatures get very high in the summer and have sufficient water supply, use a sprinkler irrigation system to both irrigate and cool down the roots of the trees during hot spells. The same system can be brought into play during the winter when there is risk of frost damage.

otrdiena, 2014. gada 2. septembris

Green coffee Weight Loss- Fact or Fiction.

There is a lot of news around these days about green coffee. As ever there is a lot of valuable information and fact or a lot of misinformation which mostly fall into the realms of fiction. The proven fact is that people who have chosen to drink green coffee as part of a planned diet and exercise program, will lose weight. How much and how soon depends on three factors:

How much they need to lose.
How soon they expect to lose

How seriously do they take their weight loss program.

The rumours and exaggerations that are spreading (or are being spread) about the negative aspects are grossly exaggerated. They state that a person who takes up the green coffee diet plan will not only fail to lose weight but will increase the possibilities of making themselves fairly ill.

Admittedly there are circumstances where drinking green coffee will have some seriously negative effects and they will occur if the following mistaken steps as taken.

The would-be dieter adopts a diet program where their only food or liquid intake is green coffee. Green coffee is a diet aid, not a singular diet program.

The would-be dieter exaggerates their intake of green coffee. Too many cups of green coffee can cause a variety of stomach upsets, each one more unpleasant than the other. Pretty soon the person who had pinned their hopes on green coffee become disillusioned and quit the diet prematurely without gaining the true benefits that drinking green coffee can bring them.

The would-be dieter builds up unreasonable expectations regarding the short term ability to lose a high percentage of body fat that drinking green coffee can bring. Drinking green coffee will produce results for the dieter but over a long term. The meaning of long term is a minimum of two weeks up to a maximum of six months, with eight being lost gradually throughout the diet program.

The reasons for this conservative approach to reasonable expectation weight loss is that green coffee doesn't represent one of this magical cure slimming pill programs that drug the dieter into believing that they are not hungry ( when they actually are) and can cause some pretty serious side effects .

Green coffee works to accelerate the speed at which body fat burns.
To sum up the stories about the weight loss that drinking green coffee are far from exaggerated. Drinking a nice cup of coffee can help you to get healthier and fitter and stay that way. And that's a fact.

svētdiena, 2014. gada 31. augusts

Green slimming coffee- Who Said Taking it can Help To Lose Weight

Carrying about loose weight is a bit like carrying around a lot of loose change. It is more of a nuisance than it is worth takes up a lot of space and can make some pretty annoying noises.

Nobody needs all that excess baggage and if it has not got too far out of hand it shouldn't be too long before you can say goodbye to it. All that is needed is a proper diet plan, some healthy exercise all backed up by enough green coffee to burn off these excess carbohydrates that can build up in our bodies just like loose change builds up in our pockets.

Green coffee has been with us for hundreds of years, but very few people ever got a chance to learn too much about it and especially its health giving abilities. The coffee plant, which is grown commercially in parts of South America as well as in Africa, provides an ample crop of green beans. These beans are transported to a processing plant, and are then roasted till they turn a rich deep brown colour. But not all of them.

Since these green beans, or berries as they are sometimes known, have been grown, they have been used by local populations to make strong, green and tasty coffee. In fact in some African countries, green coffee is often served to distinguished guests as a mark of respect. The reason why is that drinking green coffee has many health giving qualities.

Gradually the news spread across the World and drinking green coffee has grown in popularity, especially for those among us who carry around too much excess weight. Green coffee unlike the toasted version contains a component Chlorogenic Acid will has been shown to reduce the absorption of carbohydrates in the blood stream. For people who eat less well than they should or do not take part in any form of physical exercise, these carbohydrates will rapidly turn into fat.

Losing that excess weight can be a struggle if the problem is not approached seriously. There are no short cuts to losing weight and keeping it off. What is required is a balanced diet, a manageable exercise plan, and the very simple procedure of changing you staple hot drink so that is green and tastes of coffee, the change will only do you good.

sestdiena, 2014. gada 30. augusts

Rapid Weight Loss - Green Coffee Can Do It For You

Anyone who has ever embarked on a successful diet program and succeeded will tell you that the most difficult stage is actually making the decision to " go for it" They have made a decision that will mean a period of relative depravation from the foods that they have grown to love, but may have been ruining their health, as well as a sedentary life style that they have gotten too well used to.

Ask the same people and they will tell you that there is no real short cut to weight loss that stays off, and anyone who tells you different is doing you a disservice. Diet plans need to be measure in months and not weeks and days. Any weight lost too quickly will in most cases return with interest.

That's when a successful dieter talks about rapid weight loss they are talking long term. Those people who have discovered the power of drinking green coffee as a part of diet and exercise program will only enthuse about the vital back up that this totally natural slimming aid has brought them in their struggle to get their weight and with it their health back on the right lines.

Where drinking green coffee comes into its own as dietary aid of the highest order is that the untoasted version has been left with its Chlorogenic Acid intact will dramatically reduce the absorption of carbohydrates, which in overweight and unhealthy people will automatically be stored as fat.

In addition clinical trials suggest that chlorogenic acid and the leptin hormone that it contains will work to maintain blood sugar levels at a normal healthy level.

These days coffee is mostly drunk toasted. Toasted coffee had all of its Chlorogenic Acid zapped from it, and while just as tasty as green coffee, has practically none of its health giving attributes,
More and more healthy and fit people are switching their staple hot drink from toasted coffee or tea to green coffee. 

They have recognized the benefits of a healthy life style, a balanced diet and regular exercise.
For those of you who want get there, recognizing that through drinking green coffee, realistic and rapid weight loss can be achieved and maintained.

ceturtdiena, 2014. gada 28. augusts

Slimming coffee - what's the story behind it?

The truth is that coffee as we know it has a bit of a bad reputation. People who drink a lot of coffee are said to be addicted to caffeine and as well as few other negative side effects. Yet there is a good coffee and it is green. The significance of the colour is that green coffee describes the beans in their original format before they toasted and turn the familiar dark brown shade that is most familiar.

And if there are negative sides to brown coffee they are more than outweighed by green coffee of slimming coffee as it is better than known.

Excessive coffee intake, green or brown, is not recommended and when the slimming qualities of green coffee first came to light a few years ago, there were a lot of people who ignored the instructions printed on the packet as well as their own common sense, and began to drink as much green coffee as their system allowed them to. 

The outcome that many slimmers not only failed to achieve the " get slim quick " results that they craved, but caused themselves a load of gastric problems instead, including either extreme constipation, gas, stomach cramps and/or acute diarrhea.

Those more disciplined dieters who took the time to study what drinking green coffee meant as well as the story behind it, discovered that drinking green coffee at the rate of three to four cups a day instead of (and not as well as) toasted coffee of tea will work as an excellent dietary aide as part of a long term diet and exercise program.

The reason is that untoasted green coffee still contains a vital ingredient called Chlorogenic Acid which is removed as the coffee is toasted. .

The presence of Chlorogenic Acid in green coffee will reduce the absorption of carbohydrates into the blood stream, meaning that a person with a regular intake of Chlorogenic Acid and the Leptin hormone it contains will have a very good chance of seeing these excess pounds burn off, but not overnight.

The effects of adding green coffee to a diet plan will be felt within a week or two and will continue to be felt as long as the diet plan continues.

The story behind slimming coffee is as simple as it can possibly be. No one claims that drinking green coffee is a "miracle diet plan." Instead it will bring those who drink it a slimmer and healthier life.

otrdiena, 2014. gada 26. augusts

Seven reasons why coffee is good for your health

As the saying goes everything is good for you as long as it is in moderation, and drinking coffee also falls into that category. Drinking coffee, be it the natural green pre-toasted variety or the dark brown toasted and blended type will do you more good than harm, as long as the daily intake is restricted to three to four cups a day.

There are many reasons why drinking coffee in any form is good for your health, bearing that the un-tampered with natural green coffee is an awful lot better than the toasted version which has had many of the most powerful elements zapped from it before it reaches you.

Here are the seven most important reasons why you should drink four cups of green coffee every day.

One :) Not everyone eats as many fresh fruits and vegetables as they used to, while they still drink coffee. That means that coffee, green, toasted, caffeinated or de-caffeinated will provide sufficient quantities of vital anti-oxidants.

Two:) This may not cause too much of a surprise, but drinking coffee in reasonable quantities will help to burn off some of these extra pounds as each cup will speed up an average person's metabolism. It's always better that the coffee intake is of the green variety and as part of a regular, long term diet and exercise plan.

Three:) According to a series of studies, drinking a few cups of coffee every day will act as a stimulant that will increase brain functionality and increase short term memory.

Four:) Drinking green coffee on a regular controlled basis is known to reduce beta amyloidal levels in the blood stream. Beta amyloidal is a protein in the brain thought to be responsible for the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

Five:) According to research at a very high level, it is regarded possible that drinking coffee can lower the percentage risk of contracting certain forms of cancer by almost half. 

Six:) Drinking green coffee will considerably restrict the possibility of Type 2 diabetesResearch has shown that coffee, especially in its green natural form, will lower levels of sugar in the blood.

Seven:) Drinking too much toasted coffee certainly darkens your teeth, but drinking just enough green coffee will strengthen teeth and significantly reduce the risk of cavities.

These are just a few of the reasons why drinking coffee has its health benefits. There are many more far outweighing any negative effects that drinking a few cups of green coffee will bring.